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Professional Training at Granada

INTENSIVE TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONALS - 5 DAYS (40 h) Face-to-face training aimed at psychology professionals (specialists in clinical psychology, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, doctors, nursing staff...).
Details: It will be developed in English with a consecutive translation into Spanish and with materials in both languages.
Leader: Fabrizio Didonna
Place: Granada
Start: Wednesday 1 May 2024
Finish: Sunday 5 May 2024

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (BTBM) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an innovative treatment program designed to create significant clinical and life improvements in people suffering from this disorder. Self-knowledge based on sustained meditative awareness is its central principle.

Based on the research and clinical experience of Dr. Fabrizio Didonna and documented in his manual “Cognitive mindfulness-based therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder,” the program integrates cognitive therapy tools with the practice and clinical application of mindfulness meditation.

This therapeutic program is the culmination of twenty years of the author’s work with hundreds of people affected by OCD and fifteen years of meditation practice and teaching, especially MBCT. Although the program is inspired by the MBCT for depression (Segal, Williams and Teasdale, 2012), it develops a different logic and includes original and unique practices, exercises, topics and materials that have been created and adapted to work with this specific clinical population.

  • Understand the cognitive processes and biases that activate and maintain OCD problems.
  • Teach the curriculum and the main therapeutic tasks for each of the eleven group sessions of MBCT for OCD.
  • Illuminate the central role of the practice of mindfulness meditation to facilitate the processes of decentralization and defusion and the self-regulation of emotions, crucial to treat obsessive problems.
  • Highlight the importance of acceptance and self-pity in the change of the biases and pathological mechanisms of OCD.
  • Demonstrate and experientially teach the vital importance of the practice of continuous mindfulness meditation of the therapist and sustained conscious consciousness within a framework of psychotherapy.
  • Help therapists and participants develop or deepen their own mindfulness meditation practice, emphasizing both formal meditation practices and mindfulness as a way of being in daily life.
  • Present and practice the clinical skills and perspectives necessary to facilitate MBCT groups.


After completing the course, participants will receive the certificate in ‘Professional Training in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for OCD’, from the International Center for Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for OCD.


Fabrizio Didonna is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, adjunct professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Padua, professor at the Institute of Lifelong Learning of the University of Barcelona, Spain and visiting professor in Shanghai Jiao. Tong University. He is also the founding director of the MBCT International Center for OCD, in Vicenza, Italy.

He is the developer of the therapeutic model and author of the related manual, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Guilford Press, 2020, translated into Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian), the first manualized and validated. Mindfulness-based treatment model for OCD. He is also the founder and honorary president of the Italian Institute of Mindfulness (IS.I.MIND). He presents scientific articles, conferences and workshops at various International Congresses and Meetings, as well as at Universities around the world, including Harvard and Oxford.

He is the editor of the Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness (2009, Springer), the first manual on the clinical applications of mindfulness meditation (translated into five languages). For 25 years he was Director of a Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit and a OCD Unit at the Villa Margherita Private Hospital in Vicenza, Italy, where he implemented his therapeutic model for hundreds of serious and hospitalized patients. He is the founder of MBCT at Work, a program based on mindfulness for application in the workplace, and has been the scientific director of the one-year master’s program in mindfulness-based therapy sponsored by the Institute in Milan. He is an experienced instructor in interventions based on mindfulness and has trained more than 2,000 patients in hospital and outpatient settings. He teaches workshops and training retreats in the field of mindfulness and MBCT for OCD at an international level, including the United States, United Kingdom, China, Mexico, Spain, Panama, Israel, Finland and Poland.

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Orario 08:00-12:00 (Fuso orario di Panama)

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Spazio Iris, 5 days Professional training

Conduttore: Prof. Fabrizio Didonna

Dal 07 all’11 Luglio 2021

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Ministry of Education of Panama and APP

Leader: Dr. Fabrizio Didonna

October 3th and 4th 2020

from 08:00-12:00 (Panama time)

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